geometry2rdf is a library for generating RDF files for geometrical information (which could be available in GML or WKT). The GML and WKT is manipulated with GeoTools. The current version of the library works with Oracle geospatial databases and relies on Jena.
geometry2rdf has been developed by the GeoLinked Data (.es) team.
For downloading the library, use the following link.
You need:
What to do:
The library needs a properties file for its execution. The default name for that file is A dummy file with that name is provided in the distribution and can be used. If you want to use a different file, change the path of the properties file in the bat file.
Here is an example configuration file:
##############################Working dir and the name of output file.
All the parameters necessaries for the Data Base connection are set in this section. Also the name of the type of resources that will be created is set in this section.
The namespaces and prefixes for the resources generated and for the ontology used are set in this section.
Geometry2rdf works for EPSG reference systems. If your gml data is not in EPGS, a transformation between your reference system and a EPSG system is necessary. For doing that, use fields gmlSourceRS and gmlTargetRS. If another transformation is required or wanted for the final data in the RDF, use sourceRS and targetRS.
In this section, the URIs for Point, Linestring and Polygon resources are defined. Also URI of the relationship "formBy" is defined. A Linestring and a Polygon are "formBy" Points.
In this section, the default language of the label of each resource is defined.
Here are an examples of output RDF files generated by geomtry2rdf:
Created under Creative Commons License - 2015 OEG.