Oscar Corcho recibe el Premio Juan López de Peñalver de la Real Academia de IngenieríaLa Real Academia de Ingeniería (RAIng) ha concedido el premio Juan López de Peñalver, en su séptima edición, al catedrático de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIInf) Oscar Corcho, reconociendo así sus méritos y sus contribuciones al estudio de la Web Semántica y de la Web de Datos Enlazados, la Ingeniería Ontológica y la aplicación de tecnologías semánticas en distintos dominios, como la e-Ciencia y la Ciencia Abierta. "Investigación, innovación y docencia, los tres ejes de la vida académica" discurso de agradecimiento de Asunción Gómez-PérezDiscurso de agradecimiento de Asunción Gómez-Pérez, con motivo de la entrega del premio Aritmel dentro de los Premios Nacionales de Informática 2015 Sr. Vicerrector de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Salamanca, Excelentísimo Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, , Sres. Presidente y Vice-Presidente de la Sociedad Científica Informática de España, Sr. Director de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la UPM, Autoridades, colegas, familiares, amigos, señoras y señores. “Debemos atraer a los investigadores jóvenes a la UPM” Entrevista a Asunción Gómez-PérezAcaba de recoger el Premio Nacional de Informática-Aritmel 2015, por sus sobresalientes aportaciones científicas en esta disciplina, un reconocimiento que Asunción Gómez-Pérez suma a otros como el Ada Byron a la mujer tecnóloga y el Premio de Investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), de ese mismo año. Es catedrática del Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial y la investigadora con mayor índice de impacto en sus publicaciones de esta universidad. Los galardones valoran los 25 años de una carrera investigadora y profesional “intensa y centrada en la investigación, la innovación y la docencia”, los tres pilares que para ella deben ser la base de la universidad pública. Firme defensora de la presencia de los jóvenes investigadores en la universidad, del papel de la mujer en la ingeniería y del trabajo en equipo, la vicerrectora de Investigación, Innovación y Doctorado de la UPM, considera que estos premios son también de su grupo de investigación y su propia familia, sin los que no hubiera podido desarrollar su carrera. Professor Asunción Gómez-Perez granted with the Aritmel National Computer Science Award 2015Asunción Gómez- Pérez phD of the Artificial Intelligence Department of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), has been granted with the Aritmel National Computer Science Award of the Computer Science Scientific Association. This award recognizes her remarkable scientific and academic contributions in this field, focused in Ontology Engineering, Semantic Web and linked data.
Asunción Gómez- Pérez leads the Ontology Engineering Group of the UPM. Convinced that teamwork is the key of her career, she is now sharing this award with her research group. “This prize is an honour, but it is also a recognition for the job of our group. We believe in team job above individualism and we are always willing to take part in national and international challenges, hackatones and datathones with multidisciplinary teams”, she says. The jury has also take in consideration the international projection of their research and the impact index of their papers (the highest in the UPM) in order to give her this award. An OEG article analyzes the European legal framework for the publication and consumption of linked dataOEG researchers have recently published a work analyzing the European legal framework for the publication and consumption of linked data.
In their paper "Legal aspects of linked data – The European framework", published by the journal Computer Law & Security Review, the readers interested on publishing or consuming linked data on the web will find all the necessary information on the legal aspects, presented in a clear, concise manner following a practical approach rich in examples. In the paper, the authors describe how the copyright law and database rights apply to linked data as well as the meaning of the most common data licenses in use. The article also describes the impact of the recently approved General Data Protection Regulation for datasets containing personally identifiable information. Mobile Age, making senior citizens benefit from open government dataMobile Age is a project that combines mobile technology and opened data to help the population of older persons of the whole Europe to design mobile applications focused on its needs and adapted to its characteristics. Diverse studies tell that this population will be 28% of the whole continent in 2020, therefore its active participation in the everyday life will be more and more necessary.
To obtain it, the project Mobile Age will create a system of participation that will allow senior citizens benefit from the production and the use of open data in its cities, following two clear targets: to explore and to implement models of access and use of the public services for old people across technologies of open data, and to develop a methodology for the creation of services for this sector of the population. To do so, Mobile Age will develop four pilots in collaboration with public authorities across Europe: South Lakeland (UK); Bremen (Germany); Region of Central Macedonia (Greece); and Zaragoza (Spain). There, older persons themselves will decide which services they want to access, which kind of applications they would like to use, and which requirements in terms of accessibility and mobility they opt for. Each pilot site will work on a specific theme: social inclusion in Bremen; extending independent living in South Lakeland; a safe and accessible city for seniors in Zaragoza, and personal health information in Central Macedonia. Based on such decisions, the Mobile Age team will develop the requested applications and ask older persons to test them in real-life settings. Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies of the UPMAsunción Gómez-Pérez, director of the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), has been nominated Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Bachelor and PhD. in Computer Science for the Computer Science School at UPM, the current director of the OEG is Full Professor at the UPM and she has occupied the direction of the Department of Artificial Intelligence up to its current designation al Vice-Rector of the UPM. Dr. Gómez-Pérez, that works at investigation areas as Ontological Engineering, Semantic Web, Linked Data and Multilingualism in Information has directed significant I+D+I projects from the National Plan, as well as different projects both of national and international character. One of the most recent is the first research project that uses IBM-Watson in a Spanish University –in which she is main researcher- as well as the creation and starting of the first node of Open Data Institute in Spain. She has received the ARIMEL Award –granted in the field of National Prizes of Computer Science 2015-, the Annual Award of Research of the UPM (2015) and the award to the Best Ideas of Business XII actúaupm (2015). She has also received the National Prize Ada Byron to the Technologist Woman in its second edition (2015). |
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