Full Professor
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Prof. Dr. Asunción Gómez-Pérez is Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies, Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) since 2018 and Full Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). She was Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence (since 2008), and she is Director of the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) (since 1995), Academic Director of the Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence (since 2009) and Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Artificial Intelligence (since 2009) at the same University.
Education: Bachelor in Computer Science (1991) and PhD in Computer Science (1993) for the Computer Science School at UPM. Master's Degree in Administration and Business Management (MBA) for the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE (1994). She realized a postdoctoral stay at the Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the University of Stanford (1994-1995). She was Executive Director of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence in the Computer Science School at UPM (1995-1998).
Awards: She has received the Award ARITMEL - National Prize of Computer Science 2015, the Annual Award of Investigation of the UPM (2015) and the National Prize Ada Byron for the Technologist Woman in its second edition (2015). She has been recognized with an Award to the Best Ideas of Business XII actúaupm (2015) and the software OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner! (Opps!) was rewarded in the III Course of Commercialization of Technologies UPM by its business potential (2014).
Research Areas: Ontological Engineering, Semantic Web, Linked Data, Multilingualism in Information and Management of Knowledge are some of her main research areas. She took part in the creation of a global scale of the area of Ontologies and Semantic Web from its beginning, in the nineties. A reference of her international projection appears in the study of T. Chambers, S. Mijojevic, Y. Ding. “Female Semantic Web Researchers: Does Collaboration with Male Researchers Influence their Network Status”, where she is considered one of the three most successful and influential women in the topic of Semantic Web.
Research Director: When she came from Stanford on 1995, she founded the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), which she heads since then. From 2012 the OEG has the 8th position in the ranking of the research groups in the UPM (the first position in research activities). The OEG is composed by a group of 35 persons, 19 are PhDs. In the OEG more than 150 students have been formed.
Publications: She has more than 300 publications. The impact of these publications is high. They have 15.700 citations, their h-index is 51, and their i10-index is 154.
PhD theses: She has been supervisor of 22 doctoral thesis (7 of them received an extraordinary award and 11 of them received an European mention). Apart from the postdoctoral investigators hired by the UPM (more than 25), she has supervised 4 researchers Juan de la Cierva, a researcher supported by the MERG program and CO-Fund of the EU. She has directed more than 70 master and diploma theses.
Projects: She has directed significant amount I+D+i research projects from the National Plan, European projects and private contracts. She has coordinated 5 European research projects (OntoGrid, SemSorGrid4Env, SEALS, Interactivex, LEADER) and has taken part like Main Researcher of the UPM in 22 European research projects. Now she takes part in three European research projects H2020. Moreover, she has taken part in 45 research projects of the National Plan of Basic Research, Networks, Special Actions and Technological Transference (ZENITH, Hundred, Advances, Profit. . . ) and she has directed more than 35 financed projects of national and international enterprises.
For its relevancy, special mention is deserved to the first research project that uses IBM-Watson in a Spanish university (October, 2015), where she is the main researcher. This project is supported by IBM USA, in the context of Shared University Research (SOUTH) Awards, in order to realize the project Application of the IBM Watson Ecosystem for providing intelligence technology services to small and medium enterprises, for giving access to Watson hardware and software infrastructure. Moreover, she is the head of the first node of the Open Data Institute in Spain: ODI-Madrid (October, 2015).
Research management: Her research experience is also applied to research programs at national and international level. Since 2005, she usually collaborates as evaluator of European projects and other agencies in different European countries. From November 2006 until December 2008, she was assistant to the coordination of Technology Transfer Area of the National Agency for Assessment and Prospective ANEP. She has been invited to evaluate thesis in Spain, Germany, Austria, England, Ireland, and Norway. She has taken part in processes of selection of two professors in Ireland.
Invited conferences and organized events: She has been invited to give talks in Conferences (39), Universities and International Research Centers (in United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, etc). She was Chair of the Programme Committee of EKAW ’02, ESWC’ 05, ASWC ’08. She has been local organizer in EKAW’ 02 and ESWC ’08 Conferences, and she organized workshops associated with the above mentioned conferences. She is an assiduous referee of several magazines and she usually takes part in programme committees of several conferences and workshops in the area. She has taken part in the direction and organization of ten editions of the summer school on Ontology Engineering and Semantic Web, that have attracted to Spain researchers of different international universities and has formed more than 500 students. She took part in the first summer datathon in Linguistic Linked Data.
Activities to bring the science and the technology over to the citizen: In 2010 she was one of the 27 invited researchers to participate in “The European corner: to be a scientist in Europe, 27 experiences” by the Foundation madrid+d at the Madrid Government. In the same year, madri+d invited her to take part in “The Night of the Investigators” (September 24). This action is a part of the PEOPLE Program (7th Marco Program of the EU). Among her most recent works it is necessary to emphasize the new portal of Open Data of the National Library of Spain (http://datos.bne.es/), which gives new ways to access the catalogs and the documents of the BNE using semantic technologies.
To see the most relevant publications and their impact, click here. Here you can access to her Twitter account.
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