Full Professor
Oscar Corcho is Full Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He belongs to the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos, and co-leads the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG). Previously, he worked as a Marie Curie research fellow at the University of Manchester and as a research manager at iSOCO.
Academic background: BSc in Computer Science (2000) with honours –Third National Award on Computer Science conferred by the Spanish Ministry of Education–, MSc in Software Engineering (2001) and PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (2004) at UPM –with UPM's PhD award–.
Research areas: My research activities are focused on the Semantic Web and the Web of Linked Data, Ontological Engineering and the application of semantic technologies to different domains, such as Semantic e-Science and Open Science. In all of these areas, I combine foundational and applied research.
Research leadership: I am co-director of the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) and coordinator of two Marie Curie actions (SemData and KOPAR) and an H2020 EU project (STARS4ALL). I have been principal investigator at UPM in several H2020 and FP7 EU projects (TheyBuyForYou, Mobile AGE, SlideWiki, CLARITY, SIMON, PasTime, 3cixty, DrInventor, PlanetData and Wf4Ever), as well as national projects (LPS-Bigger, Ciudad2020, BuscaMedia, mIO!, myBigData, UPnP-Grid). I have led two Spanish thematic networks (on Linked Data, and on Open Data and Smart Cities). I have also led several innovation-focused projects with public and private institutions: International Consortium of Investigative Journalism (ICIJ), World Health Organisation (WHO), the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Tourism, the Spanish National Geographic Institute, Madrid's transport authority (Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid - CTRM), or Zaragoza and Madrid's city councils, among others.
Publications: I have published several books. I can highlight “Ontological Engineering", which is used as a textbook in several universities worldwide, and “Data Bonanza”, as well as more than 100 papers in journals, conferences and workshops. My h-index is over 40, according to Google Scholar. I have been invited to give talks at conferences (EKAW2014, SEMANTICS2015), universities and research centers worldwide. I am editorial board member of several journals and I often participate in the programme committees of the most relevant conferences and workshops in the area, having being the chair for some of them (K-CAP, ESWC, ISWC). Furthermore, I have been co-director, since 2012, of the Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW).
Student supervision: I have supervised 16 PhD thesis (at UPM and in other international universities). Some of my former PhD students have relevant research and industrial positions at international institutions.
Innovation management: I have worked for the Spanish Agency of Evaluation (ANEP) in the coordination of the evaluation of technology transfer projects. I ofter review and evaluate EU projects, and have participated in the creation of strategy roadmaps for the European Commission.
Innovation and technology transfer: I co-founded LocaliData (2013), where we apply some of our research results in open data and Linked Data. Our group often contributes to open source projects and some of our software applications are being exploited by third party companies.
Scientific awareness activities: I enjoy participating in scientific awareness activities. I can highlight the citizen-science project STARS4ALL, where citizens and scientists work together to reduce the impact of light pollution. I often participate in events with Medialab-Prado's data lab, with training and dissemination activities for journalists, teenagers, open government leads, etc.
Oscar is currently participating in the following R&D projects:
He has also participated in the following projects, some of which have had a large impact in the aforementioned research areas:
Some of the most relevant publications are listed below:
A complete list of publications can be found here.
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