For a more detailed description, visit the website of the project and the project factsheet of the European Commission.
UPM coordinates this project. Besides, we are involved in the development of ontologies to create semantic descriptions of sensor networks and other types of data sources, and of the data that they provide. This work is aligned with that of the W3C incubator group on Semantic Sensor Networks (, where UPM is participating, and several ontologies (REFERENCE-URL TO ONTOLOGY SECTION - SSG4Env ontologies) are being generated as a result, covering aspects related to the generic descriptions of these data sources and to the selection of domain ontologies for the SSG4Env use cases on flood prevention and fire risk alert. Finally, UPM is also extending SPARQL, the R2O language and the ODEMapster technology (see details) to deal with data streams coming from sensor networks, allowing the execution of SPARQLstr queries, which are then translated into the SNEE query language and converted into code that is executed inside sensor networks.
Las personas involucradas en el desarrollo del proyecto SemSorGrid4Env son:
The whole list of publications availbles can be checked in the following link.
Most important deliverables published:
The whole list of deliverables availbles can be checked in the following link.
The software developed by UPM in this project is available here.
Additional information can be obtained from the following press releases:
There are currently no job offers or studentships available in this project. For offers in other projects or research areas of the group, please check in our job opportunities section.
However, you may contact Óscar Corcho to check whether there are any potential open positions in the near future.
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