For a more detailed description, please, refer to the Project web (, the final report (link) and the Semantic Grid site ( You can also read the paper of the project that appeared in Digital eStrategies.
The UPM coordinates this project. Its role in OntoGrid was focused on the provision of Grid-compliant access mechanisms to RDF(S) ontologies, with the development of WS-DAIOnt-RDF(S) (link), and on the semantic description of Grid services with the ODESGS tool (link). Besides, UPM worked with the use case partners in order to provide adequate technological support for the development of their systems.
People involved in the development of OntoGrid project were:
The most important publications generated in the context of this project are:
The whole list of publications available can be checked in the following link.
For consulting the list of publications developed by the OEG, please visit the following link.
Most important deliverables published:
The whole list of deliverables available can be checked in the following link.
The software developed by UPM in this project is available in the following link.
And the following invited talks and tutorials were given, related to OntoGrid results (pending). They can be consulted in the following link.
Created under Creative Commons License - 2015 OEG.