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The OEG participates in the WOP 2010 within the ISWC 2010

This year the Second Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2010) co-located at ISWC 2010 takes place in Shanghai (China). There, the OEG team presents some work related to ODPs research at the research papers track and the pattern session.

At the research papers track, a paper entitled "Reusing Ontology Design Patterns in a Context Ontology Network" is presented. This work has been carried out by María Poveda-Villalón, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, and Asunción Gómez-Pérez. The work describes how a method for reusing ODPs has been applied during the development of a context ontology network to model context-related knowledge that allows adapting applications based on user context. This paper presents the main drawbacks found during the application of the reuse method as well as some proposals to overcome them.

At the pattern session, two pattern abstracts are presented as posters. The first pattern is called "Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation" and it allows modelling and speeding up the queries that involve relationships between two distinguished participants in an n-ary relation. The second paper is called "SimpleOrAggregated" and it provides a mechanism to classify objects as simple or aggregated objects depending on whether they are an aggregation of some objects. The aggregation relation refers to several objects gathered in another object acting as a whole; all these objects should belong to the same concept in the model. This classification is compatible with another possible classification of objects. Both patterns have been performed by María Poveda-Villalón and Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa.




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