Ghislain Atemezing works at EURECOM, Multimedia Communications. He was a OTT's grant holder in the Department of Artificial Intelligence, School of Computer Science, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in the Ontology Engineering Group of this faculty.
Previously, he worked in the research group of software agents (Grasia!) of the School of Computer Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Master in technologies and information systems from the University Jules Verne (France-2008), and, he has completed his Master of Artificial Intelligence Research in UPM.
His research activities focus on multi-agent systems and knowledge management. Currently, he is involved in the project Buscamedia, where his work focuses on modeling a multimedia and multi-network ontology.
In the context of the research group, I am currently participating in the following research project:
Previously, he participated in the following project:
His most relevant publications in workshops and conferences:
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