The Human Resources Management Ontology, will act as a common "language" in the form of a set of controlled vocabularies to describe the details of a job posting and the CV of a job seeker. The ontology was developed following the NeOn Methodology for Building Ontology Networks and with the ontology engineering tools WSMT and WebODE. Currently the ontology is available in WSML.
The Ontology is open source. The HRM ontology is available for its download in the following link (WSML) or in the following link (RDF(s)).
Authors: Boris Villazón-Terrazas, Jaime Ramírez and Asunción Gómez-Pérez
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The ontology described in this section will act as a common "language" in the form of a set of controlled vocabularies to describe the details of a job posting and the CV of a job seeker. The ontology was developed following the NeOn Methodology for Building Ontology Networks and with the ontology engineering tools WSMT and WebODE. The ontology is composed of thirteen modular ontologies: Competence, Compensation, Driving License, Economic Activity, Education, Geography, Job Offer, Job Seeker, Labour Regulatory, Language, Occupation, Skill and Time. The main subontologies are the Job Offer and Job Seeker, which are intended to represent the structure of a job posting and a CV respectively. While these two subontologies were built taking as a starting point some HR-XML recommendations, the other subontologies were derived from some available international standards (like NACE, ISCO-88 (COM), FOET, etc.), Employment Services classifications and international codes (like ISO 3166, ISO 6392, etc.) that best fit the European requirements.The figure below presents these thirteen modular ontologies (each ontology is represented by a triangle). Ten of them were obtained after wrapping the original format of the standard/classification, using ad hoc translator or wrapper for each standard/classification.
In order to make possible the enrichment of the standards, it was necessary to import them into the ontology engineering tool WebODE. This process consisted in implementing the necessary conversions mechanisms for transforming the standards into WebODE's knowledge model. For this purpose we developed for each standard/classification an ad hoc translator (wrapper) that transformed all the data stored in external resources into WebODE's knowledge model. Next, these standards/classifications can be exported into ontologies expressed in WSML format by using an export utility of WebODE.
Once we transformed the standards into WSML ontologies, the next step was to enrich them introducing concept attributes and ad hoc relationships between ontology concepts of the same or different taxonomies. We performed this task doing the following. We created from scratch the Job Seeker Ontology (models the job seeker and his/her CV information), and the Job Offer Ontology (models the job vacancy, job offer and employer information) following some HR-XML recommendations. Moreover, we defined relationships between the concepts of the Job Seeker and Job Offer Ontologies and the concepts defined in the standard/classification based ontologies.
Next we provide the conceptualization of the mentioned ontologies.
Finally we present the ontology statistics. The ontology is composed of thirteen modular ontologies. The ontology has 3206 concepts, 277 attributes, 1428 instances and 1592 axioms (most of them for setting class attribute values).
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