El Ontology Engineering Group está interesado en incorporar un doctor para trabajar en el área de datos enlazados (Linked Data) en el área de patrimonio cultural, histórico y artístico, con especial énfasis en el área de bibliotecas y museos. La retribución bruta para el año 2012 del contrato será de 35.000 €. Esta oferta está englobada dentro de las
El texto de la convocatoria, los requisitos de los candidatos, los formularios a rellenar están disponibles en el siguiente enlace.
Si alguien está interesado, póngase en contacto con Asunción Gómez-Pérez antes del día 10 de junio.
The Ontology Engineering Group is interested in entering a post-doc to work in the area of Linked Data, specifically in the area of cultural, historic and artistic heritage, with special emphasis on the area of libraries and museums. Gross remuneration for the year 2012 of the contract will be 35,000 €.
The text of the call, the requirements of candidates to fill the forms are available at the following link.
If anyone is interested, please contact Asunción Gómez-Pérez before June 10th.
The Ontology Engineering Group is interested in entering a Postdoc to work in Linked Data, in the domain of cultural, historic and artistic heritage, with special focus on museums and libraries. Gross remuneration for the year 2012 of the contract will be € 35,000.
Information about the call and the forms to be filled in can be found in the following link.
The J2SE developer position will be held in the Ontology Engineering Group, at the Computer Science School (Facultad de Informática) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in the context of the European R&D project SEALS (http://www.seals-project.eu/)
J2SE developer with experience in the design and development of SOA and/or EAI applications based on ESBs.
Basic knowledge of Web technologies is required, including XML technologies (XML Schema, XSLT, XQuery, XPath), basic Web Services technologies (WSDL 1.1 y SOAP 1.1), advanced Web Services technologies (WS-I, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-Security, WS-ReliableMessaging, MTOM, WS-BPEL 2.0). Also, basic knowledge of messaging middleware (JMS) is necessary. It is also desirable that the candidate has basic knowledge of Web2.0 application development, using REST and related specifications (WADL).
The annual Spanish call for post-doc and senior researcher positions in Spanish universities and research centres (known as "Juan de la Cierva" and "Ramón y Cajal" programmes) has been recently announced by the Spanish Ministry of Science [1]. These positions are open to young and senior researchers holding a PhD, independently of their nationality.
For young researchers ("Juan de la Cierva" programme), the process for applying to these 3-year positions requires them to contact a Spanish research group before submitting the proposal and making a proposal for a 3-year research project. These applications are evaluated according to the research profile of the candidate, to the quality of the research proposal and to the quality of the research group in which they are willing to carry out their research.