Esperonto Services (Application Service Provision of Semantic Annotation, Aggregation, Indexing and Routing of Textual, Multimedia, and Multilingual Web Content - IST-2001-34373) aimed to overcome the problem of information overload by adding meaning to the Web, which can be exploited by software agents to whom people and businesses can delegate tasks.
Esperonto's objective was to bridge the gap between the past World Wide Web and the Semantic Web by providing a service to "upgrade" existing content to semantic Web content. Ontologies play a key role in this effort, aiming at unifying, bridging and integrating multiple heterogeneous, international and multilingual digital content. Once Semantic Web content becomes available, the project aimed to exploit this content through innovative graphical navigation, and prototyping distributed added value services.
The main goal of the Esperonto Services project was to design and develop a technological infrastructure for creating islands of the Semantic Web. The overall goal was decomposed in various concrete, measurable objectives.
OEG was involved in the development of methodologies, techniques, tools and services to bridge the gap between the previous Web and the Semantic Web. Specifically, OEG was involved in the building of the following results:
Additionally, OEG was involved in the development of kernel ontologies to be used as upper level ontologies as well as domain ontologies for culture (art), funding organizations and biotechnology. Kernel ontologies of time, space, measurement units and physical magnitudes have been developed and are publicly available.
Las personas involucradas en el desarrollo del proyecto Esperonto fueron:
The following publications have been generated in the context of this project:
Created under Creative Commons License - 2015 OEG.