Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

Ph.D. position in Ready4SmartCities project - Deadline 10/15/2013

The Ontology Engineering Group, based at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (previously Facultad de Informática) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), is one of the official UPM research groups and currently stands in the 9th position in the UPM research group ranking. The group carries out research in the fields of Ontological Engineering, Semantic Web and Linked Data, Semantic e-Science, Natural Language Processing, and Future Internet. Furthermore, it has developed applications for a wide range of environments, including knowledge management, environmental applications, e-commerce, job search and finance, geo-location, multimedia library management, etc.

The selected Ph.D. student will work as part of this group, in the context of the Ready4SmartCities FP7 European project, which will begin in October 2013.

Work to be performed

The goals of the work to be performed are:

  1. To participate in the process of developing ontologies for energy and energy efficiency.
  2. To define guidelines for the generation, publication and exploitation of energy data in the Web.

Required profile

Ph.D. student with knowledge (or profound interest) in any of the research fields of the Ontology Engineering Group. Expertise in any of the following fields will be highly valued:

  • Representation of energy and energy efficiency data (modelling energy data, measurement and validation of energy)
  • Representation of data in the Web (RDF, RDF Schema, OWL)
  • Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies (generation, publication y exploitation)

High proficiency in both written and spoken English is required.

Furthermore, the candidate is expected to be able to work collaboratively, to be proactive and flexible, and to have good communication skills in order to work as part of a multinational and multidisciplinary team.


The group will collaborate with the Ph.D. student in order, from the work performed by him/her, to give the first steps towards a Ph.D. Thesis and to obtain scientific publications during the scholarship.

The candidate will be part of the Ontology Engineering Group and will be part of the team composed by different international prestigious institutions in the Ready4smartCities European project.

The scholarship will have an initial duration of two years, with a potential extension to four years. The monthly gross income of the scholarship will be 1200€.


Send cover letter and CV before October 15th to the email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , specifying as reference “Ph.D. Position for Representation of Energy Data in the Web”. Candidates will be interviewed during the week from October 21st  to 25th  2013.



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